This is station equals 42 St-Times Square for the longest you can walk underground and still remain within fare control at least at this stop walking within the station isn’t roundabout at Times Square, where transfering from the Shuttle to the 8 Avenue Subway uptown especially is a lot closer if you leave fare control and go up to the street to get there. Anyway at this stop that is not the case, but you can get for 16 Street & 6 Avenue (closer to the same distance), within fare control all the way to 7 Avenue and 12 Street, 4 regular blocks and one crosstown block, a distance of almost half a mile, further by a crosstown block than the 14 Street and 18 Street IRT 7 Avenue Line stations are to each other. The L Subway Line has now become the second (along with the G as well as the Franklin and Rockaway Park Shuttle to be here in its entirety)
Here is the station, that haphazardly connected what where once four stations built by competing interests beneath 14 Street, 3 are now connected for free the other is PATH (which I didn’t make, but once I do I’ll add connection links for it):
- IND F,M Station-14 Street–(33 photos)
- BMT L Station-6 Avenue–(24 photos of the station plus 5 for the Creative Station)
- IRT 14 Street Station-1,2,3–(24 photos)
3 replies on “Upload: 14 Street and 6-7 Avenues-A complex of long passageways”
I noticed the link to the other platforms from the 123 platform reads “FML”. The MTA had the same problem, and had to rearrange it out of alphabetical order.
This post does not belong here. I saw a movie where one of the scenes was filmed at the Mosholu Parkway station. I thought it was Mean Streets but I recently viewed that film and it was not featured. Do you or one of your subscribers know?
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In response to Tom C.: I’m pretty sure the station was in a movie called “The Incident” from 1967. It has a very Mean Streets look to it with punks terrorizing passengers on the train.