Transit Adventures

Seasons Greetings from FREX

Hello everyone!

I am currently writing to this post onboard a bus–The FrontRange Express whose future in 2010 (as of January 1st is still in doubt), the commuter bus from Colorado Springs to Denver on which has onboard Wi-Fi access (and was apparently a major innovator of the wi-fi access). I’m currently taking this bus as the beginning of an all night evening of traveling back to New York City for my two week winter break. The evening entails having a couple hours to have dinner in downtown Denver before taking the RTD SkyRide out to the Denver Airport before my quite literally Midnight flight east (11:59pm really), I’ll end up getting to Newark at the early hour of 5:25AM, and will then probably take AirTrain Newark to an NJ Transit Train to Penn Station to the A-train to finally get home and visit my parents.

Other transit news I feel need to illustrate is the fact that you think New York City’s transit woos and cuts are bad, you should here about what’s happening in Colorado Springs which is going broke, courtesy of its residents that veto every ballet measure to raise taxes and also has strict TABOR-tax payer bill of rights laws-meaning the city can’t run at a deficit, but also can’t have a surplus during better times. This city in 2010 (as of January 1st), and the Mountain Metropolitan Transit Bus System will be completely abolishing all Evening and Weekend bus service. Buses will now only run from 5AM in the morning with the last palse at the Downtown Transit Center at 6:15pm. Wonder what those low-income residents who have jobs at night will do?

Anyway I couldn’t resist writing this post directly from a bus!
As my buses destination sign currently says as one of its readings “Seasons Greetings”,
Signing off on a completely dark (the lights are turned off) except for the headlights and taillights of cars on I-25 on Low Floor Gillig BRT transit bus somewhere in Douglas County, Colorado south of Castle Rock,
-Your Webmaster