NYC Subway

Upload: Two more unusual BMT subway stops in Downtown Brooklyn

Sorry for not getting any more updates in this past week, your webmaster has been extremely busy with not even any time for the accessional railfanning trip. I did though have a chance to make two more addtional pages and am now one station away from every underground BMT stop in Brooklyn. This update is two vastly different, but equally unusual stations in Downtown Brooklyn.

Here are the two new stops:

DeKalb Avenue DeKalb Avenue(32 station photos & 11 of artwork)
Lawrence St Lawrence Street (22 photos)

Enjoy, Court St-Borough Hall, the last real super transfer station I need to add in Downtown Brooklyn, will be next, give me at least a couple of days!

6 replies on “Upload: Two more unusual BMT subway stops in Downtown Brooklyn”

Don’t forget that the abandoned station beyond DeKalb has artwork! It’s one of the first artworks submitted, and was recently restored.

I will try, but it will be extremely hard to photograph from a moving train, I do througholy enjoy watching it from moving Manhattan-bound trains

I am not planning to do the Times Square Complex until I have Brooklyn finished, which I’m getting relatively close too

I don’t have a camera with video capabilities anymore now that I’ve upgraded to an SLR, my still camera (Canon S2 IS) that I made that video with finally gave way and broke a couple of years ago.