NYC Subway

Upload: The rest of the G train – the IND crosstown line

Finished off the G train-Crosstown Line’s local intermediate stations: Clinton-Washington Aves (11 new photos), and Fulton St(11 photos)

For quite awhile now my website had photos of the entire G train (at least its main Crosstown line portion) except the last two stops before Hoyt-Schmerhorn Street and it has a connection to the A train before rejoining the F. Enjoy these stations that get the worst service except for the A train’s branches.
Here are the two new stations:

Clinton-Washington Avs Clinton-Washington Aves (11 new photos)
Fulton Street Fulton St(11 photos)

Now the SubwayNut has every G local stop on it and every G station on its entire route should be coming quite soon.