SE Park Ave
Milwaukie / Main St
Home<Pacific Northwest<MAX Light Rail<Orange Line<SE Park Ave
SE Park Ave
City Center

SE Park Ave is the terminus of the MAX Orange Line and opened with the rest of the line on September 12, 2015. The terminus is designed for frequent service with three tracks and two island platforms that end in bumper blocks. Additoinal access to the platforms is via a pedestrian garde-crossing at the northern end of the platform. The station doesn't have a decent way to tell passengers which track the next train is departing on. Normally there is scheduled to be just one train in the station under 15 minute service, but during rush hours some of the rush hour extra trains see two trains in the station at one time, with the rush hour 'extra' train having a longer turning time than the regular Orange-Yellow Interlined service.

The station is located at street-level on the Northwest side of McLoughlin Blvd and SE Park Avenue, but the line is at grade-seperated with no vehicular grade-crossings between this station and Milwaukie/Main Street. The patforms each have two canopy structures. The columns have mosaics depicting leafy oak trees that represent the Oak Grove community as part of the Journey Through Time art installation located at multiple stations.

On the west side of the station is a pubilc plaza, this plaza contains a circular paved area that contains a tall sculpture, Bower by Susan Zoccola, with silver oak leaves designed to honor the surroundig Oak Grove Community. Heading through the plaza on the opposite side from the station platforms is the Trolley Trail, this multi-use recrational trail follows the old Portland Traction Streetcar Company ROW. The trail had just been recently completed (the trail was only dedicated on June 2, 2012) when the construction of the Milwaukee Line next to a portion of trail required it's closure between July 2, 2012 through 2014. As part of the Milwaukee Line construction TriMet installed a number of public art instalations along the trail due to the rail ROW located next to it. These include To Grandmother's House by Patrick Gracework, a wooden statue of an older woman from a Cedar Tree cut down along the old trolley line, the older women inside is inside a metal sculpture designed to represent a Cedar Tree.

The station's 401 space 3 story parking garage is across McLoughlin Blvd. Passengers enter the garage via two elevators/staircase structures at the northern cornes of the garage cross Park Avenue near each corner of the garage. Near the entrance to the garage, across from the staiton, is a secure Bike and Ride Area. The parking garage is built next to a hill and has two vehicle entrancs, a ramp to the upper level at the southern end of the garage from McLoughlin Blvd, and another ramp to the lower level (through the west side of the garage) and SE Park Avenue, across from the end of SE 27th Avenue.
All photos taken on 8 March, 2018

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Last Updated: 31 May, 2018
All photos are by Jeremiah Cox
This website is not affiliated with Portland TriMet or any transit provider, their official website is here
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