E 122nd Avenue
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Home<Pacific Northwest<MAX Light Rail<Blue Line<E 122nd Avenue

E 122nd

E 122nd Avenue is a stop along the ROW in the median of Burnside Street. The stop has two offset side platforms for the two track line that are configured so that trains stop at the station after crossing through the intersection of 122nd Avenue. The middle of each platform has a single turquoise roofed waiting area with a brick wall with a little blue '122ND' sign facing the track. There is an additional brick structure at the ends of the platforms opposite the intersection where the main platform entrances are. There is an addition entrance to each platform at the opposite end via a pedestrian crossing.
All Photos taken on 18 October, 2011

Home<Pacific Northwest<MAX Light Rail<Blue Line<E 122nd Avenue
Link Light Rail
MAX Light Rail
on the SubwayNut

Last Updated: July 13, 2024
All photos are by Jeremiah Cox
This website is not affiliated with Portland TriMet or any transit provider, their official website is here
This Website is copyright © 2003-2024, Jeremiah Cox. Please do not remote link or copy images from this website without permission.