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Roosevelt is an intermediate stop on the Northgate section of the Lynwood Link light rail extension that opened on October 2, 2021. The station is located underground inside a fairly deep bored by TBMs tunnel. The station has a single island platform for the two-track line and is clearly inside a mined-cut and cover box from the surface to the platform with the arches of TBM bored tunnels at each end of the platform.

This station platform is quite deep and has polished concrete walls, with no columns holding up the roof above. The various staircases and escalator shafts visible from the platform providing height differences and unique shadows with portions of indirect lighting. Lining the concrete walls and walls of the multi-levels to reach the street is Mo/Mo/Mo/Motion by Luca Buvoli consisting of multiple pop-out style depictions of bicyclists moving and the blur of movement along the walls of the station.

To enter and leave the station passengers scan take an elevator at either end of the platform directly up to surface at the two station entrances. Just beyond these elevators are the start of two banks of escalators that meet up facing each other at an upper mezzanine level with access to both station entrances at either end. Passengers who want to take the stairs (it is a lot of steps) can take one of two different sets of staircases that almost hide behind the escalator shafts (who’s bottoms facing the platform are colored purple) before reaching a small lowest mezzanine level where more stairs lead up to each end of the upper mezzanine level toward each end of the upper mezzanine by the station’s two exits.

The mezzanines have a mixture of concrete and light green brick-sized tiled walls. The upper mezzanine level isn’t a full length mezzanine but over the southbound track with the the entire length of the escalator shafts fully exposed to the platform below.

The station’s two exits are each accessed by separate banks of two escalators/staircases that lead up to two different headhouses with a mixture of opaque and translucent glass walls. In these headhouses are the stations TVMs and an elevator (for two total elevators) directly down to platform level. The headhouses are combined station houses and ancillary ventilation structures for the light rail station below. They have cream colored exterior walls with interior walls a mixture of bare concrete, light green tile, and distinctive red tile around each of the elevators down to the platform.

The southern headhouse leads to an exit at NW corner of 12 Avenue and 65th Street. It has a unique feature of a neon sign staying Standard above a sign and text that says J.S. Phonography Needles. This quasi-storefront has been installed above the TVMs and is a preserved (and relocated) portion of the original facade of the former Standard Radio building. The Standard Building is an art deco landmark built in 1947 that was demolished to allow the building of this station headhouse.

The northern headhouse doesn’t have this unique historical feature, just normal modern grey wall panels around the TVMs. This headhouse leads to a single exit out to the SW corner of 67 Street and 12 Avenue.

In the plaza between the two station entrances by the intersection of 66 Street (that separates the two station buildings is Building Blocks by Rosario Marquardt & Roberto Behar. This tall sculpture that forms a bit of a pyramid (3 sets of blocks at the bottom, 2 at the next level, one at the top level, followed by a single vertical line forming a steeple). A few bus stops near the station along 12 Avenue have signs that they are the stations bus connections but are otherwise just standard bus stops.
Photos 1-74 taken on October 11, 2022;

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Home<Pacific Northwest<Sound Transit Link Light Rail<
Link Light Rail
Sound Transit's
Link Light Rail
on the SubwayNut

Last Updated: July 9, 2024
The describtions of all artwork come from the "START on Link: Guide to Art Along the Central Link light rail line" brochure, Sound Transit, Obtained 2011
All photos are by Jeremiah Cox
This website is not allifiated with Sound Transit, there official website is here
This Website is copyright © 2003-2024, Jeremiah Cox. This website is not affiliated with any transit provider. Please do not remote link or copy images from this website without permission.