Hartsdale is a Metro-North Station on the Harlem Line and has two side platforms for what is at this station a two track line. The station forms the center of a small downtown shopping area located adjacent to the station and the inbound platform. The station has a nice looking old-fashioned station house that has been restored with an elegant chandelier and turned into a Starbucks. Interestingly a ticket office remained open until January 13, 2010 after the Starbucks opened. It had an old-fashioned ticket window that looks out onto the Starbucks dining area with its cafe tables. When I visited the station, the station house was full of Starbucks Coffee customers, not passengers waiting for the next train. This made me wonder if a passenger waiting for the next train could still wait in the station house, or is the seating for Starbucks' customers only? To reach the opposite platform which also has the station's small parking lot there's an old-fashioned metal overpass. A pair of staircases lead up to the overpass, from the southbound platform, one up from town, one from the southbound platform. The overpass leads to a single staircase down the northbound platform. Each platform at its extreme southern end of the platform also has a staircase up to the Fenimore Road overpass of the tracks that in turn leads over the Bronx River Parkway that's quite close to the station and parallels the train tracks.
Photos: 27 December, 2009

The Northbound platform with cars parked along it.

Looking up a staircase up to the overpass.

Looking across to the New York platform at Hartsdale, a line of metal figures occupy the wide area between the tracks where a third one could possibly be added some day.

The station house definitely predates the high-level platform at Hartsdale, there's currently no view out from it to the platform.

The two staircases down from the overpass to the New York-platform at Hartsdale

A view across towards the Northern end of the New York-platform at Hartsdale, there's also a parking garage here.

Another view across towards the Northern end of the New York-platform at Hartsdale, there's also a parking garage here.

M7A #4246 leads a Grand Central-bound local train to its stop at Hartsdale.

M7A #4246 enters Hartsdale.

One staircase down at the New York end of the overpass is oriented to provide closer access to the town center of Hartsdale.

Looking across roads in Hartsdale with the Starbucks turned-station house in the background.

Another view of the Hartsdale Starbucks turned station house.

Yes, Metro-North tickets are currently on sale (I don't think so).

The ticket window inside the Starbucks turned station house at Hartsdale, notice the coffee station in the foreground.

The no mans area on the station side of the station house at Hartsdale. Its awkward space with no close staircase up to the platform, and ads along the platform blocking the view of the station house.

Looking south down the platforms at Hartsdale, the secondary staircases at the southern ends of the platforms are visible.
Last Updated:5 June, 2016
All photos are by Jeremiah Cox
This website is not allifiated with MTA Metro-North Railroad, there official website is here
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