Ball Square is a Green Line Extension Station with an island platform and two tracks next to the MBTA Commuter Rail Lowell Line. This station is located at grade-level with streets fully grade-separated around the station via bridges. The island platform is fully canopied with two entrances at the southern end of the platform.
There is a first a short ramp down off the platform that leads to a grade-crossing over the Inbound track and to an entrance area with CVMs and a roll-up gate at the same level as the tracks. This path that doubles-back along the platform and leads to a walkway, passing bike racks and a Pedal & Park before leading to Boston Avenue, right near its intersection with Broadway Street.
The second exit is just behind the grade-crossing past the little area where the entrances meet that is exposed to the elements. Here there is a glass elevator shaft, with stained glass artwork: Tour Jeté Series, by Christine Vaillancourt plus a staircase. These lead up to a small entrance area along the north side of Broadway Street’s Bridge over the rail lines. Broadway Street crosses over the rail lines at an angle, requiring a very narrow section of path before the roll-up gate entrance along the sidewalk of Broadway Street Bridge.
The platforms have panels that show the original inspiration and artist statement for Tour Jeté Series with abstract shapes on white panels. Some other panels have the more MBTA traditional historical images of the local area.
Photos 1-57: June 21, 2024

A platform sign with images of Domino Frame in Tension

Type 7 #3717B stopped heading to Heath St

Type 7 #3717 leaves the station at the back of a 2 car train the sign still says Heath St BRD and the time 8:17

A Train leaves the station, revealing vacant land behind the fence beyond the station

Another panel with the renderings of Tour Jeté Series and text about the artwork

A blank platform name panel with just ADA information

Historical images of Ball Square

Heat St trains every 7 to 8 mins or Medford/Tufts in 3 min or 8 min. Countdown clocks are hard one stop from the end of the line

Historical images of Ball Square ironically of the auto service industry

System maps and strip maps on the (E) Medford/Tufts side of the platform

Looking down the platform passing a mobile lift just in case and platform signs

Approaching the stations two exits, ahead is the elevators/stairs up to the bridge of Broadway St in this unneccessary not covered portion of access to the platform

If you go down a short ramp you can also take the grade-crossings to a path into the neighborhood

Stairs or elevator to Broadway St, and a sign that 'If you haven't validated your fare at a fare vending machine, tap your fare at the front of the train'

Looking across the grade-crossing to the little entrance area from Boston Ave, at grade-level so accessible

Looking down the railings of the gentle ramps up or down to the stations two entrances meeting right at the end of the platform

Tour Jeté Series on the elevator shaft
Last Updated: September 21, 2024
This website is not affiliated with the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. Their official website is here
This Website is maintained and copyright © 2011, Jeremiah Cox. Please do not remote link images or copy them from this website without permission.