79th Street/Chatham is a simple Metra flag stop (on hourly or better off-peak trains) with a small 2 to 3 car long wooden-high level island platform with two black white domed bus shelters for waiting passengers. This platform is in between the middle two tracks of the four track electrified Metra Line with two additional freight and Amtrak tracks to the east. To leave the platform, all passengers must pass through a small wooden hunt with doors on both ends and includes an older generation Metra TVM. From here a staircase leads down to a low-level platform area where trains could stop at one of the outside express tracks. Continuing south a white wooden portal surrounds the entrance one staircase off the platform down to the south sidewalk of 79th Street's underpass, just east of Greenwood Avenue. A districtive feature just north of the station is a long abandoned railroad bridge formerly used by the Nickle Plate Road to cross the IC Line.
Photos 1-26 16 September, 2016; 27-28: 5 May 2018

Approaching the station entrance, past a Divvy Bike Rack

The wide inset beneath the concrete underpass containing the staircase up to the platform

Heading up the single staircase to the platform

First is a short walk down this wooden platform area with emergency low-level platforms

The portal for the staircase down to the street

Up a short staircase to the 79th Street-Chatham Station entrance

A southbound Metra Electric Train #133 approaches

A platform sign and the two platform bus shelters

The blur of cars passing the short low-level platform that is basically just an entrance walkway

A Metra train passes the platform entrance

Metra Train #232 passes under the Nickel Plate Road passes

A northbound train fades into the distance

The wooden platform entrance

The TVM inside the entrance shed that once contained an automated fare control line

Another view of the entrance area/waiting room

You can push a button for heat

MU #46 brings up the rear of a passing South Shore Line train

A South Shore Line train to Chicago passes under the Nickel Plate
Last Updated: 1 November, 2017
All photos are by Jeremiah Cox
This website is not allifiated with Metra Commuter Rail, or any other transit provider
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