51st has the standard two wooden side platforms that are canopied except for about a car length at their northern ends. The exits are at the southern ends of the platforms. Here there is a modern station house with green and white tiles along the southside of 51st. From the station house there is an elevator up to only the northbound platform. This continues to a second landing at an overpass above the tracks. There is also an escalator up to the northbound platform. The one staircase (and only access from the station house to the southbound platform) is at the very northern of the headhouse, here a short staircase leads up to an intermediate landing before splitting and having second short staircases up to the extreme northern ends of each of the platforms. Directly from here are staircases up to the overpass that also has an elevator to the southbound platform providing up and over ADA compliancy because a building at street level precluded a direct shaft into the station house. There are secondary exits via High Turnstiles along each of the platforms that lead to staircases down to the northside of 51st Street.
All photos taken on 3 August, 2011