Kedzie-Homan (the large platform signs just say Kedzie, the original name of the stop, the small column signs say Kedzie-Homan beneath the K, along with all maps and train recordings for the station) is a Blue Line Station located in the median of the Eisenhower Expressway. The station has the standard island platform with a canopy covering its entire length and continuing up the ramps to the station house exits at each end of the platform, both of these exits are still fully open with regular turnstiles. They were closed and renovated, one after another in 2000 to 2001 with the ramps both rebuilt to be ADA complaint (making both entrances assessable). The western exit is to Holman Avenue and the eastern exit is to Kedzie Avenue.
Photos 1-3 taken on 16 July, 2009, 3-12 on 3 August, 2012

An expressway view of one of the ramps up to leave this station

A platform view out a car window

Looking up at the grey walls with blue trim of one of the modernized station houses

#2980 leaves the station headed to O'Hare

#2980 keeps leaving the station

The station has a bit of curve in the expressway median

A platform sign wit the two ADA complaint ramps (they were resurfaced) up to each exit

A train enters the station with a blank sign
Last Updated: 5 October, 2012
This website is not affiliated with the Chicago Transit Authority. Their official website is here, has been referenced frequently in the writing of this section.
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