Chicago CTA
Blue Line
Photos Page 2
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The hig entrance/exit turnstile along the narrow corridor that used to be the entrance by a cashiers booth
The cashiers booth window
Sign on the gate that was onced open for the cashier to take fares to now always enter with farecard
It's a long two blocks to enter the station without a fare card
Outside the farecard only entrance, notice the mesh walls
Overhead view of the station roof
A side view of the platform
The side of the concrete building nearest to the station and the platform beyond
The long concrete ramp down from the main station house to the main portion of the platform
The station house nestled above the tracks and the highway
Two doors and a sign into the cramped station house
Just two turnstiles to enter the system. The house hasn't changed first
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Chicago CTA
Blue Line
Photos Page 2
Last Updated: 5 October, 2012
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, has been referenced frequently in the writing of this section.
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