Oakridge is the one intermediate stop on the Almaden Shuttle. The station has a single platform on the east side of a single track. This platform begins at the grade crossing of Blossom River Way and runs north parallel to Winfield Blvd that has 3 short paths across some fenced in green space. The north one is at the same level and has some bike parking and bike racks along the platform, the other two are down hill slightly and have ramps with a couple steps for more direct access for the middle one. The platform has a single canopy structure towards its northern end, this has a tiled column and brown trim line band with Oakridge tiled in white on it. Since there are so many platform exits, the band just says Oakridge and not Exit with an arrow in one or both directions beneath. The Westfield Oakridge, a shopping mall is across Winfield Blvd from the station.
All Photos: 20 February, 2012

The single track curves across Winfield Blvd

LRV #958 heads south to Almaden on the shuttle

LRV #958 approaches to pass under CA-85

The northern entrance to the Platform with some bike boxes

The northern sidewalk to the platform

Oakridge more modern signage

The Oakridge platform has the same design as the original side platforms on the VTA metro

One end of a platform canopy

The mosaic for Oakridge, no exits indicated

Ramps off the other platform exits

The Oakridge information panel

Looking across Blossom River Way at the platform
Last Updated: 5 June, 2018
All photos are by Jeremiah Cox
This section reflects VTA service patterns that are no longer accurate. Light Rail trains began operating on new routes and service patterns effective December 28, 2019. See the VTA Website for details
This website is not allifiated with the Santa Clara Valley Transit Authority, there official website is here, or any other transit provider
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