The station on its elevated structure with the Morman Temple in the background
The staircase/ elevator entrance to the northern end of the San Ysidro-bound platform
The elevated station above a parking lot with its parking structure in the distance
An entrance sign to the Nobel Drive station with the Mormon Temple beyond
Beneath the station platforms on their concrete elevated structure, the parking garage is in the distance
On the sidewalk down to Nobel Drive, the staircase an elevator
At the bottom of the most northern station staircase
The staircase up to the end of the UTC-bound platform, with the northern elevator and staircase (with two intermediate landings) to the end of the San Ysidro-bound platform
The station's vehicle entrance from Nobel Drive is mostly signed for La Jolla Village Square and not for the trolley
A nearby Super Loop bus stop along Nobel Drive, bus connections at this station are plentiful but require some walking
Across from the station's vehicle entrance, just signs for shops in the shopping mall
Looking out at a two car trolley going over Nobel Drive