The Trinidad stop is currently a long concrete modern concrete platform built in 2011 that runs between the grade-crossings of Commercial Street to the North and the 4-way intersection of Cedar Street and Nevada Avenue at its southern end. This platform contains black lampposts, black fencing, and modern, silver Trinidad, CO signs. Towards the northern end of the platform is a small parking lot containing about 10 spaces with a gap in the fence for an entrance. No station building or other forms of shelter for waiting passengers presently exists, the city of Trinidad is presently seeking funding to build an intermodal building at the station.
The platform is parallel to I-25 that runs on a concrete viaduct overhead. The modernization and widening of this viaduct was what demolished the previous wooden BNSF station in 2007. Until the current platform was built in 2011 trains stopped at a small temporary platform that contained a wooden trailer as a station (and a portable toilet outside), nearby.
Photos 1-7 taken on 13 March, 2008 on a visit by car; 8-13: 21 September, 2015 out the back window of the stopping Southwest Chief

The small square trailer that is the Amtrak station waiting area at Trinidad, CO.

The small gravel parking lot of the Trinidad, CO AmShak station, with the modular station building and port-a-john visible.

The grade crossing right next to the station at Trinidad, CO.

A view looking onto the actual station platform at Trinidad, CO.

P42s #164 and #143 and the Heritage Fleet Baggage Car of the Train #3, the Southbound Southwest Chief are visible as the train goes through Raton pass fallowing I-25 just before entering New Mexico

A wider angle view of the Southbound Southwest Chief with its Superliners as it goes through Raton Pass in extreme southern Colorado just before it enters New Mexico.

The three SuperLiner Sleepers, Diner, Sightseer Lounge and two of the coaches of the Southwest Chief are visible as it goes through Raton Pass just before entering New Mexico.

Looking towards the back of the Southwest Chief, the grade crossing is down

The simple, modern platform

The platform is under I-25

The small parking lot and wheelchair lift enclosure along the platform

Getting beyond the entrance, no building

Leaving the modern amenityless platform at Trinidad with the crossing-gate down
Last Updated: 23 September, 2015
This website is not affiliated with Amtrak, their official website is here, A source I have used countless times while compiling this section is Amtrak's Great American Stations
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