The P42 at the rear of the Southbound Vermonter and a laying over Shuttle Set north of the station
Ex-Metroliner Cab Car #9645 laysover on the shuttle's siding north of the station
The only public staircase to leave the station on its railroad viaduct and theVermonter sitting in the station
Ex-Metroliner Cab Car #9639 became the front of the Vermonter in Palmer and will lead until New Haven when an electric locomotive will take over and pull the train the final half of its journey to Washington
Ex-Metroliner Cab Car #9639 on the Vermonter and #9650 on a layingover Shuttle Train
The walkway to the other platforms
Ex-Metroliner Cab Cars #9650 and #9639
The little baggage area outside the modern station on the historic railroad viaduct
Entrance to the open staircase down to the street
A Station sign on a trailer
Cab Car #9636 on a Shuttle Trainset laying over in the station
P42 #107 idoling in the station and Ex-Metroliner Cab Car #9635 reading to lead the last southbound Vermonter in push-mode ever
P42 #46 pushes the last Vermonter in push-mode ever out of Springfield for the trip to New Haven ()y
P42 #46 continues pushing the last southbound Vermonter ever in push mode south out of Springfield
P42 #79 currently at the rear of the Southbound Vermonter
P42 #79 at the back of the last Vermonter ever with two locomotives
Ex-Metroliner Cab Car on a Shuttle trainset laying over
P42 #110 attached to Cab Car #9646 at the front of today's Vermonter
Ex-Metroliner Cab Ca #9646 attched to a P42 in front