South Bend, IN
Photos Page 2
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Modern platform signs
The pedestrian crossing to the shelter on the far platform for Track 2
Looking down the short ramp off the platform (this visit was by bicycle)
The wheelchair lift enclosure shed (first generation) and the long platform that extends off in the distance
The sidewalk at the end of the South Shore Line Tracks
Waiting for the Midnight Lake Shore Limited, the single ticket window (baggage is processed at a door)
The pay phone is missing, blinds are strangely (for a railway station) closed
The evacuation map in the men's room
Entering the tiny men's room
Homemade welcome and station information signage
Looking down the empty seats at the Kid's Corner who are Amtrak's little artists
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South Bend, IN
Photos Page 2
Last Updated: 17 July, 2016
This website is not affiliated with Amtrak, their official website is
, A source I have used countless times while compiling this section is
Amtrak's Great American Stations
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