Kewanee, IL
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The last Superliner of the Southwest Chief finishes passing through Kewanee
A small sign for Kewanee and the original Pointless Arrow Amtrak Station sign
A large pointless arrow Amtrak sign pointing towards the station a block away
A block east of the Kewannee Station
The water tower and modern station building off in the distance
The back fo the modern station house
The sun reflects in the modern station house
The shelter and some farm towers beyond
The station resturant next to the modern shelter
The station house (and my loaded up bicycle)
The station house and water tower
Wating for a train inside the station house with the doors in
The silver benches inside the station house
P42 #22 leading the Carl Sandburg approaches/waits for us to cross the pedestrian crossing
P42 #22 leads the Carl Sandburg into the station
P42 #22 and the Carl Sandburg enter
P42 #22
The Horizon Coaches including #54560 of the Carl Sandburg
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Kewanee, IL
Photos Page 5
Last Updated: 7 August, 2011
This website is not affiliated with Amtrak, their official website is
, A source I have used countless times while compiling this section is
Amtrak's Great American Stations
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