Champaign-Urbana, IL
Photos Page 2
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Lots of passengers wait in the Amtrak waiting room
A staircase down from the Amtrak area beneath a photograph of nighttime at the station
Artwork opposite the main entrance and the signage (Subway is the resturant, not a train)
Just outside the depot
More intercity buses, they all share the same stops
Greyhound and Van Dam Bus Lines outside the station
The southern overpass and end to the platform
The long-term parking lot (I believe) across the tracks from the depot
The loop and bridge across it to the platform
The area pull of bus stops with the train platfrom above
Streetside of the depot, a sign for the Subway
The Southbound Illini has just arrived
Today's Southbound Illini is extra long because of Lincoln Service construction passengers are being buses here to Springfield through St Louis
Another view up to the University Ave overpass with Horizons and Amfleets of the Illini stopped in the station
Passengers step off the southbound Illini
Move cars of the very long, Illini it has 7 today
The doors close, the conductor looks out the dutch door of an Horizons car. Its time for the Illini to highball it south to Carbondale
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Champaign-Urbana, IL
Photos Page 2
Last Updated: 11 August, 2012
This website is not affiliated with Amtrak, their official website is
, A source I have used countless times while compiling this section is
Amtrak's Great American Stations
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