Downtown Campbell has a single island platform for the two track light rail line that is parallel to a Union Pacific freight track in a private ROW with gated grade crossings. Just north of the station the two tracks switch into one and the line becomes single tracked through the next station. The station begins at the grade crossing of Orchard City Drive and extends south. There is an additional exit at the southern end of the platform with a pedestrian crossing leading to both sides of the railway ROW. To the east is Central Avenue parallel to the station, to the west is the end of a downtown strip mall's parking lot. The platform has an unusual and large canopy/shelter structure that covers the northern half of the platform. The structure is clearly trying to evoke a historical railroad station with brick walls holding up a gabled roof that has many different angles. The glass of the windscreens has black gabled windows.
All Photos taken on 20 February, 2012

An LRV leaves to head the one additional stop to Winchester

A pedestrian grade-crossing to nearby shops

A grade-crossing across the UP tracks to more shops

Downtown Campbell signs for Mountain View

Across the UP track and Mountain View-bound track

The shelter has brickwork trying to evoke history of Downtown

A smaller Downtown Campbell sign on the brickwork of the platform canopy

The elevated platform has one cream-colored platform canopy

LRV #939B enters for Mountain View

LRV #939B arriving for Mountain View
Last Updated: 29 May, 2017
All photos are by Jeremiah Cox
This section reflects VTA service patterns that are no longer accurate. Light Rail trains began operating on new routes and service patterns effective December 28, 2019. See the VTA Website for details
This website is not allifiated with the Santa Clara Valley Transit Authority, there official website is here, or any other transit provider
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