Component is a VTA light rail station in the median of East 1 Street. The stop has two offset side platforms on each side of Component Drive so trains stop on the far side of the intersection. Component Drive is the only way to legally access each platform although jaywalking to the other ends of the platform is easy and often done with minimal emergency exit signage and no gate. The streetside of each platform has a Jersey barrier with a blue railing. The northbound platform has no coverings for waiting passengers. There are just some benches and an exposed to the elements TVM and Clipper Card readers. Both platforms have plenty of trees. The southbound platform has a single standard blue canopy held up by two tiled pillars that have Component in white written on brown tile.
All Photos: 28 February, 2012

The blur of a southbound train passing the northbound platform

959B Passes going southbound

Across from the bare northbound platform

The bare northbound platform

The turn lane and northbound platform across the tracks

Crosswalk to the northbound platform and Silicon Valley Center

Crosswalk to the southbound platform

Component sign on the entrance pillar

Entering the southbound platform

The other canopy of the entire station on the southbound platform

The tiles for component on a platform pillar
Last Updated: 22 May, 2017
All photos are by Jeremiah Cox
This section reflects VTA service patterns that are no longer accurate. Light Rail trains began operating on new routes and service patterns effective December 28, 2019. See the VTA Website for details
This website is not allifiated with the Santa Clara Valley Transit Authority, there official website is here, or any other transit provider
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