Riverside Line
Photos Page 2
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Looking straight down the platform
The two wheelchair ramps at the L.A.-bound end of the platform
The platform is slightly raised from the parking lot ramps do the trick
Passengers go out to the middle platform for a train soon to arrive
Sign for one of the Pedestrians and Bicycles crossings at the end of the platforms
F59PHI #901 leads an approaching Riverside-bound train
F59PHI #901 keeps approaching
F59PHI #901 and a 5 car Riverside-bound train is about to enter
F59PHI #901
Guardian Fleet Coach #215 enters
The archway entrance to the depot, the clock tower and depot are behind
Guardian Fleet Cab-Car #642 comes to a stop, passengers prepare to board
Passengers board Guardian Fleet Cab-Car #642
One passenger leaves Guardian Fleet Cab-Car #642
Guardian Fleet Cab-Car #642
Guardian Fleet Cab-Car #642 starts to leave
Guardian Fleet Cab-Car #642 leaves
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Riverside Line
Photos Page 2
Last Updated: 2 April, 2011
All photos are by Jeremiah Cox
All histrocial dates unless otherwise noted come from: Edward J. Simburg,
, Agoura, CA: Yerba Seca Publications, 1998
This website is not allifiated with Metrolink (the SCRRA), there official website is
, or any other transit provider
This Website is copyright © 2003--2024, Jeremiah Cox. Please do not remote link or copy images from this website without permission.
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