Durand, MI
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A display on the Ann Arbor Railroads Great Lakes Ferries
The modern Grand Truck railroad logo in the station house turned museum
A Railroad Crossing lights and sign in the museum that are actively on
A display on the evolution of engines with a Charger
Looking towards the still in use Amtrak waiting room with the former ticket office past a Duffield sign
Looking out the second story window at the two railroad lines that cross at Durand
The crossover at Durand and people outside
Looking out the second story depot window at Durand on the roof and a CN Durand sign in the distance
Inside the ballroom special event space on the second floor of the depot
A GT Durand sign
White Durand text on the roof, viewed from a second story window
The second story ballroom type space with tables
Looking down on the fenced off Amtrak platform
A wooden pedestrian crossing so a train could stop on either track
Inside the small Ann Arbor Railroad room at the museum
More Ann Arbor Railroad signs and displays
Signs for the Ann Arbor Railroad
Life jackets since the Ann Arbor also ran an extensive ferry system
The second story corridor of the large railway museum
Michigan Historic site plaque for Durand Union Station
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Durand, MI
Photos Page 3
Last Updated: 20 December, 2019
This website is not affiliated with Amtrak, their official website is
, A source I have used countless times while compiling this section is
Amtrak's Great American Stations
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