Cumberland, MD is a tiny city of 21,000 located in western Maryland. The train makes its way at a grade straight through the center of town, and trains must generally make three stops at the station, first for the engineers to switch, then for sleeping car passengers and finally for the coaches which is a quick fresh-air stop. The station has a small 1970s era beige station building with a small unstaffed waiting area, (open and closed by a caretaker) with about 15 brown seats, and quite spotless. This building has a canopy over a portion of the station's simple concrete platform. The platform extends south from the only entrance where Front Street (parallel to the railroad tracks) curves and becomes Harrison Street to beneath I-68's viaduct. Beneath the main canopied area is a very short (maybe ten foot long) wooden mini-high level platform area. The main US post office and distribution center for the region is alongside the platform giving it a backdrop of postal service trucks.
All Photos Taken on 30 May, 2011

Looking out the side of the stopped Capital Limited (with the car attendant
's permission) going through the center of Cumberland with the memorial day festivities set out

The flags for memorial day

Passengers wait to board the Capital Limited

Passengers get on and off the Capital Limited in the small sheltered areas

The generic brown chairs in the waiting room

Another side of the waiting room, even the trash can is brown

Looking south down the platform, there are a verity of planters on it before the interstate overpass.

A newly installed, modern Cumberland, MD sign with postal service trucks behind

Passengers have their smokes on the platform at Cumberland

The long Capital Limited doesn't quite fully platform

The new sign is in a random place in the middle of the platform

More passengers and the new wheelchair lift enclosure shed

A sign welcoming you to Cumberland, with a steam engine courtesy of the US postal service

The conductors and a passenger boarding the Capital Limited

A station side on the side of the small station house

Looking south of the platform at the narrow street that forms the stations only entrance

The back of the Capital Limited and the rest of the town of Cumberland

Another view down into town with the yellow line of the platform continuing a bit and almost forming a sidewalk

The north side of the small station building

More modern Amtrak signage in Cumberland, a slightly older information display and a newer simple name sign (with the text written on both sides)
Last Updated: 3 June, 2011
This website is not affiliated with Amtrak, their official website is here, A source I have used countless times while compiling this section is Amtrak's Great American Stations
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